Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Vanabout 2019 Day 2: Albuquerque

Vanabouts, and Walkabouts before them, are all about relearning the lessons of the past. 

Most of today I was working at the nice little RV park in Childress.  This place is a delight. For a mere $15 you get water and power and a beautiful little park to stay in. So beautiful is this park, for “lunch” I took Zoe for a walk around the little lake in the little park. Many many pictures were taken.

“But Steve”, you’re wondering, “where are these pictures?”

Well, I found out the next day, I had failed to put a memory card in my camera. So some great pictures of this delightful little park and, more importantly, some nice arty pictures taken at Cadillac Ranch will never see the light of day since the light of those pictures were not saved.  So this is the extent of my Cadillac Ranch pictures.

2019-09-20 18.14.27-1


  • Use of my big ass battery to power the microwave to warm up my dinner.
  • Oh, and this:

2019-09-20 19.41.58


Vanabout 2019 Day 1: Childress

Well that didn’t go well.
I woke up at 5am. 5 motherforking AM!! To start my 6 week Vanabout that just about circumnavigates the US of A. Sorry Florida.
But as I was rolling into a rest area 30 minutes outside Wichita Falls to call into a couple of meetings, I made a terrible revelation. I left my new big honking battery back at the house.
This guy:

This is a vital element of this Vanabout, so after my meetings I had to turn around and go back home. After four hours of driving, I was back were I started, on my couch.
I left shortly after my workday was over and got to experience both morning and evening Dallas rush hour traffic. Bur for my efforts I got this at Opa’s Schnitzel Haus:

2019-09-19 19.40.52
2019-09-19 19.51.09
And this
2019-09-19 23.12.21

This Vanabout will mark a number of firsts. So, I will try to acknowledge each time a first occurs every day.
  • The first day of the Vanabout (Duh)
  • The first time I took a conference call at a rest area.


Vanabout 2019 Day 28: Aberdeen

Still South Dakota. Found a cute campground that most of the year is a hopping family holiday retreat. But it’s cold and snowy and latish Oc...