Saturday, February 11, 2012

February iPhone Picture of the Day

Turn That Dirty Clown Frown Upside-down

A particularly virulent sinus infection has kept me on the blogging sidelines the past week or so.  While I recover, please to enjoy this mission statement from the 2nd funniest show on TV, Portlandia.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February iPhone Picture of the Day #2

That Park Looks Familiar


Yup, it’s my beloved Tietze Park – not even a half block from my house – where my dogs have dropped literally tons of poo.  So watch where you step when you play your night nerf fake paintball.

Vanabout 2019 Day 28: Aberdeen

Still South Dakota. Found a cute campground that most of the year is a hopping family holiday retreat. But it’s cold and snowy and latish Oc...