Sunday, October 21, 2012

Well That’s Just Great. You Hear That, Ed? Bears!


Even with my new enormous lens, you can barely* tell what these creatures are roaming about at Glacier NP.  So through the miracle of Adobe Lightroom, I’ve zoomed in and enhanced the picture.


That one dude was looking right at me.


* See what I did there?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Updated Food/Booze Map

View Eating & Drinking in a larger map

I have updated my food/booze map to reflect the better places to eat during Walkabout 2012. 


2012 yellow

2011 green

2010-09 blue

2008-2007 red.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Walkabout 2012 Day 19: Rapid City to Home


    • These are the last of the pictures take for Walkabout 2012.
    • Once I get in “Going Home” mode, all I want to do is drive home.  So my being underwhelmed by Badlands NP and Wall Drug is probably a result of that.
    • Come to Wall Drug and buy some crap!
    • The original plan was to spend the night in Sioux City Iowa.  But the cheap hotel I booked was so disgusting, shady and disgusting I decided just to drive through the night and hit Dallas around 10 am – just in time for Norm’s Analysis of the Epic Ranger Collapse.

    Part I



    Part II


    Wednesday, October 10, 2012

    Adorable Marmot Picture of the Day


    I’m still recovering from another successful Walkabout.  I have a few more pictures and commentary to post.  Hopefully I can get to that this weekend.  But until then, please to enjoy these adorable marmots.

    Friday, October 5, 2012

    Tuesday, October 2, 2012

    Walkabout 2012 Day 18: Casper to Rapid City


    • Obviously I did make it to South Dakota.
    • It’s kind of a national travesty that the Crazy Horse Monument has made so little progress.
    • Like the Mona Lisa, Mount Rushmore is much smaller than I ever imagined.
    • The roads leading up to Mount Rushmore are lined with silly roadside attractions like The Flintstone amusement park.  Old novelty attractions from a bygone era of family road trips.
    • Deadwood was a huge disappointment.  Nearly everything on the main drag is a stupid slot-machine “casino” or had some part of Wild Bill Hickok in its name.
    • The Dakotah Steak House was a bit of disappointment.  Shouldn’t  a restaurant know not to serve the main course before the appetizer is finished? And what’s with overpowering your buffalo rib eye with some strange orange zest sauce? Only slightly made up for by having Macallen 18.





    Walkabout 2012 Day 17: Jackson Hole to Casper


    Vanabout 2019 Day 28: Aberdeen

    Still South Dakota. Found a cute campground that most of the year is a hopping family holiday retreat. But it’s cold and snowy and latish Oc...